
my audio recording:

I would like the role of stage management and set design and construction I feel I’m suitable for the jobs above as I have knowledge and enthusiasm for the role and I could contribute to the role well with my past experience.

I’m proud of my creation for out past productions such as brokenville as I feel I portrayed the rustic aesthetic and post apocalyptic feel to the set with the creative way of making the bricks and the expanding foam bricks in the archway, and painting the vacuum packed bricks for the base walls.

my strengths within the role I’m applying for I’m very imaginative perfectionist I make sure the project is done in a good time frame and to a good standard.

my weaknesses are because I’m a perfectionist  it does take time to decide on a set idea upon all my other ideas ill come to a compromise between 3 ideas into 1 final idea.

I would deal with a issue within the group by getting everyone together and resolving the issue equally on all sides if any other concerns that come up solve them too to clear the minds and have a steady head space for the group to work on.

my vision for the show is I have many Ideas for the cage to look eccentric and the use of projection, I feel would look good and I would like a bed canopy to put scallops tied around the top of the hexagonal cage frame at the top and the sides of the cage and use chicken wire to create a inner layer of the cage then make a strange looking bars and a creative door projection would be a blue sky and moving clouds.

what feminism means to me :

feminism means to me the equality between men and women and all things between and the respect within the fact of wages and job, being treated properly as people should be treated.

its wrong to say women are above men and that men are above women.

feminism is the idea that human rights should be given to women like they are to men

equality in everything we do like gender and race and freedom of speech and authority and hierarchy.

Gi Jane is an example of feminism in the industry the movie is about a female senator that succeeds in enrolling a woman into a combined reconnaissance team training where everyone expects her to fail,but she comes out on top. By ridley Scott.

feminism recorded discussion:

Time stamps:


i don’t know what i sound like so i cant find anymore and it was a while ago and my memory is bad i looked through and i cant find as audio a little quiet.