Stockholm syndrome:

The reason for this research is that in the caged birds script the people within had Stockholm syndrome so I researched it to show what I meant.

Stockholm syndrome is a condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity. These alliances result from a bond formed between captor and captives during intimate time together.

Origin of Stockholm syndrome:
after an incident in Stockholm in 1973, during which a bank employee became romantically attached to a robber who held her hostage.

1978, a psychologists’ term; the name derives from the Aug. 23, 1973, violent armed robbery of Sveriges Kreditbank in Stockholm, Sweden, after which four bank employees were held hostage in a vault for more than five days. The hostages developed a dramatic attachment to their abuser, and a fear of would-be rescuers, that they could not explain. The city arose mid-13c. from a fishing village; the second element in the name is holm “island”

Emma Watsons character Belle form beauty and the beast movie

I’ve always loved Beauty and the Beast. Like me, Belle loved to read and I loved that she was an active part in the story rather than waiting for a prince to save her. However, one of my friends’ hates Beauty and the Beast. She feels that Belle is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, something which has been widely circulated and is a common Internet belief about Belle.
And I can see where she is coming from. Belle is effectively kept hostage and after the Beast starts treating her with kindness she falls in love and sympathises with him. Something, which is classic of Stockholm Syndrome.
Stockholm syndrome is characterised by three central characteristics:
– The hostages have negative feelings about the police or other authorities.
– The hostages have positive feelings toward their captor(s).
– The captors develop positive feelings toward the hostages.

– The crisis situation lasts for several days or longer (Beauty and the Beast presumably takes place over a lengthy period of time).
– The hostage takers remain in contact with the hostages; that is, the hostages are not placed in a separate room (although the Beast and Belle within the animated film at least, do remain in frequent contact, they are not constantly together, and Belle still has her own room and space).
– The hostage takers show some kindness towards the hostages or at least refrain from harming them. Hostages abused by captors typically feel anger towards them and do not usually develop the syndrome (Although, it is very true that Belle certainly feels anger towards the Beast, if refusing to go eat with him at the start of her capture is any indication, the Beast however does not ever physically harm and even goes out of his way to protect her).

This has helped me with my planning because its helped me understand the way the people in the cage are affected by this in there personality’s  helped me use this by when creating the stage the decoration and size would need to be claustrophobic but on a bigger scale.

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