Theatre In the Round

we were researching theatre in the round because its fits our cage aesthetic if it surrounded the cage for more immersive theatrical performance.

Theatre in the round setup:
Theatre in the Round offers the audience a closer intimacy with

the stage than proscenium theatre, and it also puts the audience in direct view of each other. A 360 degree sight line means that large scenery is out of the question unless it is suspended above the actors’ heads and out of the audiences’ view. Theatre in the Round tends to be a format chosen for intimate productions, although some large scale operas and theatre productions have also used the format.


Theatre in the Round became increasingly popular in the late 1960s in the UK and Europe, with initially the format proving popular in smaller venues and studio spaces


The stage is always in the centre with the audience arranged on all sides, and is most commonly rectangular, circular, diamond, or triangular. Actors may enter and exit through the audience from different directions or from below the stage. The stage is usually on an even level with or below the audience in a “pit” or “arena” formation.




the advantages of the this layout is a full 360 view of the performance and there is no restrictions for the audience view. some disadvantages are that there is less backstage movement it would have to be a static set in order for theatre in the round.  some challenges I would need to overcome is size of each piece of seating and the spacing between the set and the seating  my research has helped me with understanding the area I had to work with and how to use the space effectively.

One thought on “Theatre In the Round

  1. Alistair Nicholson

    This is a good start to your post Alix. You have provided some excellent points about it being more interment for an audience.

    Please could you develop this further by:

    1. Why did you need to carry out this research? EG. The show is being performed in the format.
    2. Finding some examples of UK theatre’s that performed in the round.
    3. What are the cons/what do you need to consider when working in this format?


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